Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film Gabbar Singh has completed its first schedule. The second schedule is going to start from October 10 onwards during which Pawan Kalyan is going to join the team. Shruti Haasan has been paired up with Pawan Kalyan for the first time.
Harish Shankar is directing it and Ganesh is producing it. The film is a remake of Salman Khan, Sonakshi Sinha’s Dabangg. Several changes have, reportedly, been done to the script to suit Pawan Kalyan’s image and body language and the film definitely promises to be a mass entertainer. Pawan Kalyan is going to be seen as a corrupt officer. Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music.
The entire film is expected to be wrapped up in the second schedule which will go on for 50 days. The film is likely to hit the screens for Sankranthi next year.


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