Director V.V. Vinayak has directed a film Bunny with Allu Arjun, which is his pet name and scored a hit. Now, Vinayak is directing a new film with Ram Charan and is said to be following the same by titling the film as Cherry, which is Ram Charan’s pet name.
The script work for the film is under progress and the movie is said to be a family entertainer with action backdrop. Samantha is playing the female lead in the movie. DVV Danaya is producing the film on the banner Universal Media. Devi Sri Prasad has been roped in as the music director for the film. Cherry is all set to move onto the floors in the month of August. An official confirmation on the title of the film is expected though
The script work for the film is under progress and the movie is said to be a family entertainer with action backdrop. Samantha is playing the female lead in the movie. DVV Danaya is producing the film on the banner Universal Media. Devi Sri Prasad has been roped in as the music director for the film. Cherry is all set to move onto the floors in the month of August. An official confirmation on the title of the film is expected though